4th Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery

4th Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery

Warsaw Presidential Hotel (Formerly Hotel Marriott), Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79, Warsaw
26-28 September 2024


Respected Guests,
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the 4th International Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery we have the great honor and privilege to invite you to participate in this event in September 2024. The Congress is important for the community of Polish surgeons, constituting a forum for exchanging experiences and at the same time an opportunity to get acquainted with the current knowledge and problems related to the rapid technological progress in minimally invasive techniques that constitute the basis of modern surgery.

Taking into consideration the current geopolitical reasons and war in Ukraine and as well as the expectations of invited guests and medical companies supporting the organization, this year's edition of the Congress will be held in Warsaw on September 26-28th, 2024. Traditionally, lecturers from both Poland and abroad, outstanding experts and specialists of international renown, representing various branches of surgery, were invited to actively participate in the Congress.

The scientific program includes 10 sessions devoted to minimally invasive abdominal surgery taking into account the extensive clinical experience of lecturers as well as presentations of the latest treatment techniques, including artificial intelligence technologies. As in previous editions, the 4th International Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Warsaw is an excellent place to exchange views, establish friendship, professional cooperation and personal contacts. In addition to substantive participation in the Congress, it is also a unique opportunity to learn about numerous tourist attractions in Warsaw and, more broadly, Polish tradition and culture.

Detailed information about the program and organizational matters can be found at www.kongreschmi.pl

Once again, we cordially invite you to participate in the 4th International Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Warsaw.

 Chairmen of the Scientific and Organizational Committee

 Prof. Grzegorz Wallner                                                             Prof. Wiesław Tarnowski




Thursday, September 26, 2024

11.00-12.25     Sesja I Ordynatorów
Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Wallner, prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Banasiewicz

11.00-11.15     Stan chirurgii polskiej – dr n. med. Marek Kos, Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Zdrowia

11.15-11.30     Aktualne problemy chirurgii polskiej – Prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Zieniewicz

11.30-11.45     Projekt nowej opcji kształcenia w chirurgii – prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Banasiewicz

11.45-12.00     Trudności z realizacją szkolenia specjalizacyjnego w zakresie chirurgii ogólnej – prof. dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Wallner

12.00-12.15    Digitizing surgery - George Murgatroyd, Digital Technologies VP Medtronic  Wykład sponsorowany firmy Medtronic  / Medtronic sponsored lecture

12.15-12.25     Dyskusja

12.25-14.15    Sesja II Ordynatorów
Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Szczepkowski, prof. dr hab. n. med. Zbigniew Lorenc

12.25-12.40     Spersonalizowane leczenie nowotworów jelita grubego – prof. dr hab. n. med. Rafał Stec

12.40-12.55     Wybór strategii leczenia zabiegowego lub chirurgicznego nowotworów jelita grubego –
– prof. dr hab. n. med. Zbigniew Lorenc

12.55-13.10      Wskazania do stomii protekcyjnej w operacjach raka jelita grubego – prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Szczepkowski 

13.10-13.25      Naucz podopiecznych tak by byli gotowi odejść, traktuj tak by chcieli zostać. Rezydent – asysta czy samodzielny operator? –
– prof. dr hab. n. med. Michał Pędziwiatr

13.25-13:40     Prawidłowa zgoda na zabieg operacyjny - wybrane aspekty prawne – mec. Paweł Strzelec

13.40-13:55     Ekonomia bloku operacyjnego – dr Marek Wesołowski (Lublin, Poland) Wykład sponsorowany firmy Mölnlycke / Mölnlycke sponsored lecture

13.55-14.15     Dyskusja

14.15-14.40     Przerwa kawowa

14.50                Uroczyste rozpoczęcie IV Kongresu ChMI

                          Opening ceremenony of the 4th International Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery

15.00-16.55    Session I Future in surgery
Chairmen: Prof. Wiesław Tarnowski, Prof. Tomasz Skoczylas

15.00-15.20     When surgery is not enough in pancreatic cancer – Dr Teresa Macarulla (Barcelona, Spain)

15.20-15.40     Augmented reality – the future modern surgery – Dr Christian Heiliger (München, Germany)

15.40-16.00     AI progress in surgery – what are new directions? – Prof. Konrad Karcz (Nürnberg, Germany)

16.00-16.20     Bionic pancreas – the future of pancreatic surgery – Prof. Michał Wszoła (Warszawa, Poland)

16.20-16.40     The Evolution of Robotic Surgery: From Present to Future – Dr Marcin Kubiak
Wykład sponsorowany firmy Synektik / Synektik sponsored lecture

16.40-16.55     Discussion

16.55-17.10     Coffee break

17.10-19.00     Session II Pancreatic Minimally Invasive Surgery
Chairmen: Prof. Piotr Richter, Prof. Sławomir Mrowiec

17.10-17.20     Teaching modern pancreatic surgery – Dr Jony van Hilst (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
17.20-17.40     Adenomatous neoplasia in the papilla of Vateri endoscopic and/or surgical resection? – Dr Elena Rangelowa (Goeteborg, Sweden)
17.40-18.00     Polish consensus on pancreatic surgery – Prof. Piotr Richter (Kraków, Poland)
18.00-18.20     Standardization in pancreatic surgery – Prof. Sławomir Mrowiec (Katowice, Poland)
18.20-18.40     Endoscopic treatment of complications of acute pancreatitis – Prof. Mateusz Jagielski (Toruń, Poland)
18.40-19.00     Discussion

19.00-20.30     Koktail-kolacja dla uczestników Forum Ordynatorów i IV Kongresu ChMI / Coctail for all participants of the 4th MIS Congress and Forum Ordynatorów

Friday, September 27, 2024

9.00-10.40      Session III Abdominal Hernias Minimally Invasive Surgery  
Chairmen: prof. Kryspin Mitura, prof. Maciej Śmietański

9.00-9.20         Anatomy of the anterior abdominal wall – Prof. Yohann Renard (Reims, France)

9.20-9.40         eTEP for ventral and incisional hernias – Prof. Victor Radu (Bucharest, Romania)

9.40-9.55         TAPP for ventral and incisional hernias – Prof. Kryspin Mitura (Siedlce, Poland)

9.55-10.10       Endoscopic anterior component separation – Prof. Maciej Śmietański (Gdańsk, Poland)

10.10-10.25     SCOLA for diastasis recti in postpartum abdominal wall insufficiency – Dr Mateusz Zamkowski (Gdańsk, Poland)

10.25-10.40     Discussion

10.40-10.50     Coffee Break

10.50-12.45     Session  IV Bariatric surgery Session of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Section of APS 
Chairmen: Prof. Piotr Major, Prof. Jacek Szeliga, Prof. Michał Janik

10.50-11.10     Ethics in bariatric surgery – Dr Ashraf Haddad (Amman, Jordan)

11.10-11.30     Reversal of bariatric procedures (when and how I do it) – Prof. Bart Smet (Leuven, Belgium)

11.30-11.45     Gastro-gastric fistula after RYGB – Prof. Piotr Major (Kraków, Poland)

11.45-12.00     Bariatric surgery as a „Bridge therapy” – Prof. Wojciech Lisik (Warszawa, Poland)

12.00-12.15     Endoscopy in contemporary bariatric surgery – Prof. Michał Spychalski (Brzeziny, Poland)

12.15-12.30    Zasadność wykonania manomaterii przełyku w zabiegach chirurgicznych - prof. Dorota Waśko-Czopnik Wykład sponsorowany firmy Medtronic  / Medtronic  sponsored lecture

12.30-12.45     Discussion

12.45-13.00     Coffee break

13.00-14.25     Session V The future of surgical endoscopy 
Chairmen: Prof. Mateusz Jagielski, Prof. Michał Spychalski

13.00-13.20     ERCP - present challenges and future perspectives – Dr Paraskevas Gkolfakis (Athens, Greece)

13.20-13.40     Therapeutic EUS – new possibilities in surgical endoscopy – Prof. Mateusz Jagielski (Toruń, Poland)

13.40-13.55     „Third” space endoscopy – Prof. Michał Spychalski (Brzeziny, Poland)

13.55-14.10     AI in endoscopy – the presence and the future – Prof. Krzysztof Kurek (Białystok, Poland)

14.10-14.25     Discussion

14.25-15.05     Lunch

15.05-16.40     Session  VI Liver Minimally Invasive Surgery 
Chairmen: Prof. Krzysztof Zieniewicz, prof. Luca Aldrighetti

15.05-15.25     Glissonian or extra-Glissonian approach in laparoscopic liver resection – Dr Stefan Stättner (Salzburg, Austria)

15.25-15.45     Hepatic hemangioma – to do or not to do – Prof. Luca Aldrighetti (Milan, Italy)

15.45-16.05     PL-MILS. National register of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery – Prof. Michał Grąt (Warszawa, Poland)

16.05-16.25     Regenerative Liversurgery & ALPPS etc. : Do patients really benefit from it? – Prof. Erik Schadde (Zürich,

16.25-16.40     Discussion

16.40-16.55     Coffee break

16.55-18.45     Sesja VII „Hepatobiliary Minimally Invasive Surgery”
Chairmen: Prof. Michał Pędziwiatr, Dr Ludovica Baldari

16.55-17.15     Fluorescent Cholangiography: dosage, timing and how to improve visualization – Dr Ludovica Baldari (Milan, Italy)

17.15-17.35     Extended liver resections – Prof. Michał Grąt (Warszawa, Poland)

17.35-17.55     Minimally invasive treatment of cholangiocarcinoma – Prof. Luca Aldrighetti (Milan, Italy)

17.55-18.15     Bleeding during laparoscopic liver surgery – Prof. Michał Pędziwiatr (Kraków, Poland)

18.15-18.30     Critical usage of fluorescencein HBP surgery. – Prof. Dawid Murawa (Poznań, Poland)
Wykład sponsorowany firmy Stryker / Stryker sponsored lecture

18.30-18.45     Discussion

Saturday, September 28, 2024


9.00-10.35      Session VIII MinimaIly Invasive Techniques in Colorectal Surgery 
Chairmen: Prof. Marek Zawadzki, Dr Andrzej Kwiatkowski

9.00-9.15         Optimal robotic or laparoscopic rectal surgery – pros & cons – Prof. Andrzej Budzyński (Kraków, Poland)

9.15-9.35         Robotic or laparoscopic liver metastases resection in colorectal cancer – Prof. Benedetto Ielpo (Barcelona, Spain)

9.35-9.50         Robotic low anterior resection – Prof. Marek Zawadzki (Wrocław, Poland)

9.50-10.05       Robotic colectomy CME – Dr Andrzej Kwiatkowski (Warszawa, Poland)

10.05-10.20     The role of technology in minimally invasive surgery – Dr Andrzej Kwiatkowski  Wykład sponsorowany firmy Medtronic  / Medtronic  sponsored lecture

10.20-10.35     Discussion

10.35-10.50     Coffee break

10.50-12.20    Session IX Minimally Invasive Surgery Techniques in Benign Esophageal Diseases 
Chairmen: Prof. Karl-Hermann Fuchs, Prof. Grzegorz Wallner

10.50-11.05     Challenges in understanding and proper application of antireflux surgery in patients with GERD – Dr Kamil Nurczyk
 (Lublin, Poland)

11.05-11.20     What next after failure primary antireflux surgery? – Prof. Karl-Hermann Fuchs (Würzburg, Germany)

11.20-11.35     Thoracoscopic approach for esophageal atresia repair in newborn – challenges to overcome –
 – Prof. Dariusz Patkowski (Wrocław, Poland)

11.35-11.50     Endoscopic methods of GERD therapy – Prof. Michał Kamiński (Warszawa, Poland)

11.50-12.05     POEM for achalasia – Polish experience and follow-up – Prof. Michał Spychalski (Brzeziny, Poland)

12.05-12.20     Discussion

12.20-12.35     Coffee Break

12.35-13.50     Session X Varia 
Chairmen: Dr Michał Solecki, Dr Justyna Wyroślak-Najs

12.35-12.50     Extra hiatal diaphragmatic hernias – Prof.Andrzej Budzyński (Kraków, Poland)

12.50-13.05     MALS and superior mesenteric artery syndrome surgery – Dr Michał Solecki (Lublin, Poland)

13.05-13.20     Usefulness of contrast ultrasonography in modern surgery – Dr Justyna Wyroślak-Najs (Lublin, Poland)

13.20-13.35     Endoscopic cholangio-jejuno anastomosis – Prof. Mateusz Jagielski, (Toruń, Poland)

13.35-13.50     Discussion

13.50                Congress closure


It is the first event of this type in Central and Eastern Europe.

We kindly invite you to the fourth edition of the Congress.


Congress date:

September 26nd-28th, 2024

Congress venue:




Main Organizer:

Feliks Skubiszewski Foundation for the Advancement of Surgery

ul. Stanisława Staszica 16, 20-081 Lublin


Czelej Publishing Company

ul. Skrajna 12-14, 20-802 Lublin


Congress FEE


Fees for participation in the 4th Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Scroll down to see our pricing schedule.

Regular participant  

Registration till June 30 – 650 PLN (inc. VAT)

Registration till August 31st – 750 PLN (inc. VAT)

Registration after September 25st – 850 PLN (inc. VAT)  

Doctors during their specialization course  

Registration till June 30 – 500 PLN (inc. VAT)

Registration till August 31st – 600 PLN (inc. VAT)

Registration after September 31st – 750 PLN (inc. VAT)

Please provide your current workplace address in the “Specialization course location” field of the registration form.

Students of Medicine

Fixed fee – 250 PLN (inc. VAT)

Please provide enter your student’s ID no. in the registration form.
